Tuesday, October 18, 2005


To the three wonderful people who sent responses to my last post:

1) Yes, my friend, I now know who you are. Unfortunately the lady I addressed in the Ode is not you. Nonetheless, we have shared many happy moments, and I am sure you are happy with your new-found love. Thank you for your lovely poem in response. It was written with feeling.

2) To the truly anonymous person who left the second comment: Yes this poem is original. And heartfelt thanks for your compliment towards this simple poem. To answer your question, I doubt the lady I was writing to even knows the existence of this blog. And I'm not sure what reaction she'd have if she did read the poem. Anyway I guess the point is moot, because short of blatant and shameless self-promotion of this blog's URL to her, she would probably never ever get to read what I wrote. But thank you for your compliment once again. At least I do know there is someone who has read it, and appreciates it, poor work though it may be.

3) To Gelyn: And here I am, with Chinese dictionary on my lap, still trying to decipher the comments you left :) Hope everything is going well with you, and I'm truly sorry I haven't had much chance to chat with you. Life has been pretty hectic these past few weeks. Even my blog entries are sort of drying up. Bleah. Make sure you take care of yourself though ok?

Strange though that it is a personal entry that elicits the most response. Haha. It's nice to have comments though, be they flames or compliments. To all the friends out there, both intimate and faceless, keep in contact at least through this humble blog. Take care all.


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