Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Ode to Curry Leave Culture Treasure

Life smiles, life frowns, life passes by
Time hurts, time heals, time makes us cry
Souls search, souls mate, souls say goodbye
Love comes, love stays, love makes me sigh

You came, we met, and our love grew
We talked, we loved, life began anew
We met, we went, troubles were few
You were, to me, my sacred pew

A month, ten months, altogether
I thought, I found, a love forever
But shades, of doubt, palled our bower
And damped, our love, and our fervour

I saw, too late, what I had done
My pride, my lust, had made you run
I hemmed, I hawed, did feelings I shun
You thought, that I, just wanted fun

I hurt, the day, you walked out the door
Out of, my life, forever more
My pain, my ache, a wounded roar
My heart, pounding, waves upon a shore

Well time, goes by, but wounds remain
I pray, for you, to come in vain
Your love, for me, by me was slain
All that, is left, is cruel pain

If you, read this, know who you are
Can feel, my pain, though you’re afar
Do you, know that, you are my star?
My love, for you, nothing can mar?

So come, back home, come hold me tight
For you, my love, even fate I’ll fight
For now, I know, what’s wrong from right
‘Twas you, who made, me see the light

If you, read this, and you are moved
And see, that time, has doubtless proved
Then let, your fear, of me be removed
(Oh Lord, don’t let, her be unmoved!)

I beg, of you, just one more chance
Please join, with me, life’s joyous dance
I’ll fill, your life, with wild romance
And care, and love, you hereforth hence…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is it, then me, who should be named
to answer, to move, into the same
feelings arose, feelings confused
then who, is it, am i to muse?

have you, then thought, how i should feel
or what, it should, for me to seal?

is it, then fair, to tell me all these
when far, and within, i dropped you all hints

i'm moved, through words, though unsure
if i, the one, should answer this mail

too late, time passed, you lost me once more
i've had, more than twice, gave you my all...

11:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is a really beautiful poem.. i'm impressed..

you wrote this or it came out of a book or a song?

so did the lady mentioned-here reply? anyone would be touched with what you wrote!

7:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...





11:41 pm  

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