Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Inhumanity of Humanity

The Huang Na incident, where an alleged murderer by the name of Took smiled and nodded proudly as gristly details of the murder was read out to a shocked courtroom. The London bombings, where 4 bombs simultaneously exploded killing dozens and injuring hundreds. The American who used his only toddler daughter as a human hostage and shield whilst returning gunfire to law enforcers. A kitten, found still alive, with its hind legs entangled in its entrails and its ears stapled onto its skull.

Everyday, more than ever it seems, we read horrific and gut-wrenching accounts of casual cruelty inflicted upon each other and upon other living creatures with which we share our Earth with. But why? What motive can possibly influence an individual or a group to the extent that they are willing to sacrifice another's right to live? Who are they to decide on an organism's right to life, or lack of that right thereof?

I am an omnivore. I eat both vegetables and meat. And I do condone the killing of an animal to put meat on my dinner table. In that you could say that I have borrowed from the Sioux way of thinking: I honour the animals who died to put meat onto my table. I hope that besides their meat, their bones have been used to make broth, and their skin used to make leather. I hope that their deaths have not been in vain.

I am also a protector. I will not hesitate to raise my hand against those who trespass against me and mine (yes I will forgive them later, but first I must protect my own). I will not hesitate to bear arms against those who would invade my country, or to defend my loved ones from harm, or to protect my friends should the need arise. And of course, pity those mosquitoes and ants that try to take a bite out of me. For they will feel the heavy hand of mine descending on their backs with such force that they will in all likelihood, never rise again.

But to murder a stranger in cold blood? Or to put a loved one at risk just to protect myself? Or to inflict cruelty for the joy of the blood lust? That is too much for me to comprehend. I do understand blood lust. There is a satisfying sense of power when I am able to slap my palm on a mosquito who irritates me. But to extend that sense of power to humans? Or to animals that have not wronged a person in any way? Or even to be so selfish that not only does one not help a loved one, but used that loved one as a shield from bodily harm? That sort of thinking escapes me.

I view personal liberty with the highest of importance, thus the title of my blog. And to deprive a fellow human being, or to use that human being against his will, is the highest level of the deprivation of liberty. If anyone can bother to think it through, the deprivation of life and liberty of another, will eventually in turn lead to the deprivation of one's own liberty. For if that person has a conscience, then the guilt of having done what he did will imprison him in a state of self-disgust and self-loathing forever. And if he does not have a conscience, then he will eventually be chained in an equally invisible prison: the chains of bloodlust and power. And that will compel him once again to hurt, to main, to kill and to deprive another of life and liberty.

It is small wonder that in many eras, across many echelons of society, liberty and life has been thus equated. For what is the meaning of life without liberty? The freedom of independent thought, choice and motivations? That is why we abolished slavery eons ago. (well maybe not eons, but at least our forefathers were astute enough to know that abolishment of slavery was definitely a step in the right direction).

Goodness, I do sound a little pompous throughout this little piece of ranting don't I? But two facts remains to me are incontrovertible: 1) Do not do unto others what you would not want done to yourself, and 2) Even if you are willing to do it to yourself, others may not want to suffer the same fate as you. So, whether you are debating with yourself whether to give up your seat to a pregnant lady, or to kill your best friend because he has been making out with your girl, just think of this... you would not want to be in their shoes would you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are damned right.What kind of world are we living in? Its strange that americans can live with a President that lied to go to war.Tony Blair is no better.He claimed that Iraq can launch WMD in 45 minutes.What a load of bullshit.

What is happening in London ,you have to thank Tony Blair.Why is he still in power?

America likes to talk abt human rights.See how they tekan china on that.What abt Guantanamo? Human right,looks like more american rights.What America can do others cannot.Why? they will find an excuse to shoot you.

The only justice in life is DEATH.It doesn't matter whether you are rich or poor,fat or thin,good looking or ugly etc.All will die.Haha.That my friend is Justice.

So take it easy.Enjoy yr life.

2:14 pm  

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