Thursday, August 18, 2005

Open Letter To The Terrorists Of The World

Have you, the feared and shadowy face of terrorism, taken a look at yourself in the mirror recently? How the face that stares back at you is gaunt and hunted? How the shadows and the eye bags threaten to overwhelm your once sparkling eyes? How you have to grow that mess of a beard just to hide who you are? How you can never seem to have a good night's sleep because of your job?

Have you, O mightily Freedom Fighter of the World, ever thought about your life thus far? And your future? What have you achieved since becoming a terrorist? Have you changed the world? Do you measure the scale of your success by how many lives you have saved? Or how many lives you have destroyed? Is your life worth anything by any yardstick?

Let me tell you, you bloody bag of scum, and you better listen hard. You, who think that giving up your life for a "struggle" is the epitome of bravery, let me tell you: the paraplegic who lost both his legs in a bomb that you set off has more courage in his little finger than you have in your entire body. Because he refuses to give up life. You think that by throwing away your life in a blaze of glory, you will be remembered forever? You are living in the past! The ones who are remembered today, are the ones that carry on fighting till their last breath while living long, fulfilling lives.

You, who think nothing of harming pure innocents, people who have never ever done a single thing to you. What is your justification? That in war, innocents must die? That in war, casualties are inevitable? Who the hell taught you that? You want to truly punish a person, you make that person suffer for the rest of his life! You don't like the American President or the British Prime Minister? Go pick a fight with them personally! But why involve the innocent?

You know what I think? I think you terrorists are just a bunch of gutless skinless cowards. Even every blogger on the internet does not try to hide behind such a veil of anonymity as you do. I also think that you are a bunch of impotent small fry that can only gain a sense of temporary power by thinking that you hold the power of life and death over people who have never thought of bringing harm to you. You set off 250 bombs together... for what? The world will talk about it for a week and then life still goes on! You have no idea how insignificant you are in the the scheme of life!

You really want to make a difference? Band together and talk! The Isrealis are pulling out of the Gaza Strip because the Palestinians talked! True the results may not be as immediate as bombing a bus, but the difference can be eventually astounding. You can lead by example and show the rest of the world that you are all honourable men, filled with righteous integrity, who recognise that every being, large or small, has a place on this earth. Or you can cower away from the glare of the light because you are too yellow-bellied to give your face to the stand you claim to be representing.

I thumb my nose at you, because you refuse to fight the good fight, and talk the good talk. I thumb my nose at you because you are too spineless to tell the world who you are and what you truly believe in. I thumb my nose at you because you are too weak to know what is effective and what is not. And most of all, I thumb my nose at you, because no matter what you do to impose terror, the people of the world, regardless of race or religion, will look at you in revulsion and hatred. Because at the end of it all, because of your actions, even rats will not deign to chew on your maggot-ridden corpses.

*I don't believe any terrorist has right on his side. No orthodox religion of the world condones the imposition of terror, or the curtailment of an individual's right to live life as he sees fit. So to the terrorists of the world: Stew in hell! Because no self-respecting God will allow you to defile His heaven.


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