Patience, Thy Name is Edwin
I've lost count on the number of times I've heard that phrase. It is rather hard not to take those words as a personal rejection although I've been told almost as many times that in another time, in another place, she's definitely have accepted me into her arms. She just cannot accept being in a relationship right now because, a) she's been recently hurt, b) she doesn't trust guys for the time being, c) she wants to concentrate on her career/studies/putting her pet goldfish through university, or d) all of the above. Oh it's got absolutely nothing to do with me, its just her!
Well, that phrase has been used on me so often, I can usually repeat it by rote when I feel it coming from a girl. And like always, the old dull ache of rejection will be there. Because it is a rejection. Couched in the nicest possible terms of course. But still a rejection. In most instances, it's pretty obvious the connection is there. Usually I've already been introduced to her inner circle of friends, I've met her mom, she'd already popped by my place etc. And yet, the girl in question doesn't want to verbally formalise the relationship. We can spend hours and hours together not feeling bored or hemmed in and yet she refuses to say yes. Why? Cos she's afraid and still hurting from her last relationship.
When will humans learn that with an average livespan of only 80 plus years, half a year is the equivalent of almost 1 percent? And if you think that one percent is actually very little, you, my dear reader, are enormously mistaken. That one percent passes like lightning... and soon you're on to your second percent... and then your third... Soon you'll realise that you don't have that many percents left to your lifetime. When I reached 25, i suddenly realised I wasn't just 25 years old, I was a quarter of a century old! When you think of it in those terms, 25 years seems like a really long time indeed. And not just that, I also realised I've potentially hit the 1/3 mark in my life. And that's if I'm lucky. With my current relatively unhealthy lifestyle, I'd consider it a total blessing just to hit 75.
Anyway, I just want to tell everyone out there who's waiting for her Prince Charming or his Cinderella to plop down on their laps: Don't wait too long. There are only so many percents in your life.
So to all the girls I've loved before, and the next lady (and hopefully the last, to last me my lifetime) I'll love again, please don't let me wait too long...