Friday, September 22, 2006

What I Want In A Mate...

I'm going to bare my soul. I mean it! I really am! And don't you dare laugh! 'Cos if you do, I... I... I... I won't friend you anymore! Nyah Nyah Nyah! So there!

Geez... I rue the day I ever decided to write on this topic. But having thought about the topic, I really couldn't get it out of my mind... couldn't get it off my chest. So, die die must write lah! Tamade.

Why this all started is because within the space of 96 hours (4 days, for the mathematically-challenged people out there), I had 6 people say that the prime reason why I'm as near to getting married now as the day I was born is because *gasp* I'm picky. No, I'm not! Not picky at all! Well, ok... maybe just a little. But hey, better to be picky now than to regret for the rest of my life right? And that of course got me thinking, what am I picky about? So, *gulp* here goes. The wish list for my (Edwin Seah Ek Chuan's) ideal mate...

1. Must be a female. (duh!). I am not gay, never was, never will be. I revel in my heterosexuality. So there!

2. Must not have been a male before being a female. Not as funny as it sounds ok?. While I am totally not prejudiced against transexuals, I DO want to have kids in future. If for no other reason than to ruin their future.

Ok... Now that I got the above two points out of the way, guess I've gotta go to slightly more serious stuff about what I'd like in my future mate... *very deep breath* Well, here goes...

3. I must be able to wake up every day beside her, and not tire of seeing her. She doesn't need to be some great beauty. In mandarin, kan de shun yan can already.

4. Since we're on the subject of an ideal mate though, I'm a sucker for straight hair, round eyes, heart-shaped faces, and dimples. Just thought you'd like to know...

5. Caveat, this point is about what I don't mind. I don't mind anyone of any height. Really. I also don't mind her being underweight or in the healthy BMI. I don't even mind if her BMI is between 25-28. But anything more than that is a no-no. I do maintain my weight. So should she.

'Nuff about looks then... Let's get to the inside stuff...

6. She must be all woman. And by that I mean she ought not to be a tomboy. Of course I don't want a lady who screams and leaps for the nearest chair at the sight of a spider, but I'd like a lady who is totally in touch with her femininity.

7. Comfortable with herself. She must be able to look straight in the mirror and like what she sees, both on the inside and the outside. This translates to confidence in herself, in her abilities, in her future. No wallflowers for me please.

8. Intelligent and erudite. She must be able to express herself well, and not be afraid of telling me what she wants out of me and out of life. I do not want to be married to a cave-woman. If I just wanted a rut in the hay, I might as well pay for it. I don't care if she is more highly-educated than I am. I think I can keep up. *puffs chest up*

9. Sense of humour. Need I say more? This I think is on the wish list of practically every unattached person, male or female. But most importantly, the sense of humour ought to gel with mine. No jokes which fall flatter than yesterday's bubble-gum please...

10. Courtesy and consideration. If a person is naturally courteous, it says a lot about her consideration for others. I will not stop treating her like the lady she is, and I hope she will not stop treating me like the gent I hope to be.

11. Open and liberal. I have my own views on how the world works, and quite a fair bit can be a little at odds with society at large. I don't expect her to pander to my every opinion, but she ought to be open-minded enough to accept things which are unfamiliar to her.

12. Self-control. Don't get me wrong. I like being whimsical at times. And I like it in a lady too. But this ought not detract that as individuals and as a couple, we should comport ourselves as the situation demands. And that boils down to self-control: comporting ourselves suitably at the right time for the right occasion.

And on to the final segment... How we will treat each other...

13. She'll be my partner. I can't stand being led, and I don't intend to marry a groupie. I want a life partner... Someone who will stand by my side through thick and thin.

14. We'll share. We'll both take responsibility of our household. I don't want to spend my life quibbling about money or parents or other responsibilities. Both of us must be able to step up to the base in good times and in bad.

15. We will grow together. I don't want to be caught in a stagnant relationship. We can go for courses together, renew our vows every 5 years, whatever. Just don't let us be stagnant.

16. Don't try to change me. Because I won't try to change her. Check the sidebar on the right. I drink and smoke. I may give both up for the woman I love, but I will never do so if she is going to nag me to death about it.

Yeah I know 16 is a very funny number to stop at, but I think I've just about covered everything. Reading back, I guess I am a little picky hor? But... yeah... oh well... Sheesh, load of my chest! *silly grinz* Oh and if you are going to leave a comment about my criteria being a tad too unrealistic (ok ok, out-of-this-world unrealistic), well, I did say "ideal" right? Haha. Maybe my next entry will be on what I am willing to compromise on... Hmmm...


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